Annual Congregational Meeting
Thank you for joining us for the Annual Congregational meeting on January 30th, 2022.
Results are below.
Thank you for your prayerful participation in our Annual Congregational meeting on January 30th! The following are the voting results for council members, the budget (spending plan), and the calling of Scott Strachan Jr. as our next Pastor for Children, Youth, and Family ministry.
Church Council
The slate was approved with no write in candidates.
Matt Meyer is returning in the role of President.
Stanley "Buzz" Busboom is joining in the role of Vice President for his first term.
Dustin Cook is returning for his third term.
Bill Dennis is joining for his first term.
Lisa Espelien is returning for her third term.
These members will join current council members Jim Burrell, Dan Gahan, Brady Gear, Heather Martin, and Kaiya Philips. Vicki Weiss is continuing our recording secretary.
The budget was approved with 98% in favor.
Pastoral Call
Scott Strachan Jr. received unanimous approval in his call to be our assistant pastor. Congratulations Pastor Scott!