What is the Generosity Initiative?

The Generosity Initiative on Christmas Eve is a great way to bless Faith Lutheran and impact others with the love of the Gospel. It began 18 years ago with a generous member who wanted to support the mission of Faith Lutheran, impact others with the Gospel through our mission partners, and help inspire generosity. In Isaiah 32:8 in the New Living Translation we hear that the “generous stand firm in their generosity.” Since its inception the Initiative has met all three goals, with offerings to Faith Lutheran and our mission partners exponentially greater than they once had been on Christmas Eve.

In 2024, your gift will be given to one or more of 7 different crucial ministries (based on your designation). Three generous Faith families are challenging us to follow their lead with a gift to Faith Lutheran ($66,000 in total gifts). It is a double blessing: your gift to these ministries will change lives, and the challenge gift from these three families will be a blessing to Faith’s mission & ministry. Any gifts over $66K will also go to support Faith Lutheran.

Listed below is a very brief description of each agency (and their website) receiving funds this year.  Thank you for being a part of this amazing blessing! 

  • CareNet carenetabq.com: Pregnancy-related service center and beyond. Sharing the gospel, supporting young moms, and advocating for life.

  • Faith Comes By Hearing faithcomesbyhearing.com: From military Bible sticks to new translations, they are bringing the Word to the world.

  • Feed NM Kids feednmkids.org: Feeding hungry children right here in New Mexico! Your gifts will go directly to purchase food for our FLC packing effort for kids.

  • Salvation Army salvationarmyalbuquerque.org/: Ministering to those Jesus called the least among us, hungry or in need in any way.

  • The SON Network sonetwork.org: Serving spiritual orphans with short- and long-term missions in countries impacted by communism.

  • The Rock at Noonday therockabq.com: The Rock is a Christian-based day shelter on a mission to make a positive impact in the lives of Albuquerque's homeless community.

  • Joni and Friends New Mexico joniandfriends.org: Since 1979, Joni and Friends has committed to reaching and serving people with disabilities with practical help and the saving love of Jesus.

Donation envelopes for the Generosity Initiative are available now through Christmas. Or give online at faithabq.org/give and choose “Missions” from the drop-down menu.